Source for file Model.php
Documentation is available at Model.php
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Abstract superclass of MemModel and DbModel. A model is a programming interface to an RDF graph.
* An RDF graph is a directed labeled graph, as described in
* It can be defined as a set of <S, P, O> triples, where P is a uriref, S is either
* a uriref or a blank node, and O is either a uriref, a blank node, or a literal.
* @version $Id: fsource_model__modelModel.php.html 443 2007-06-01 16:25:38Z cax $
* @author Radoslaw Oldakowski <>
* @author Daniel Westphal <>
* Affects creating of new resources and serialization syntax.
* Number of the last assigned bNode.
* SparqlParser so we can re-use it
* Notice for people who are used to work with older versions of RAP.
$errmsg =
'Since RAP 0.6 the class for manipulating memory models has been renamed to MemModel.';
$errmsg .=
'<br>Sorry for this inconvenience.<br>';
* Return current baseURI.
* Load a model from a file containing RDF, N3, N-Triples or a xhtml document containing RDF.
* This function recognizes the suffix of the filename (.n3 or .rdf) and
* calls a suitable parser, if no $type is given as string ("rdf" "n3" "nt");
* If the model is not empty, the contents of the file is added to this DbModel.
* @param string $filename
function load($filename, $type =
NULL, $stream=
if ((isset
($type)) &&
($type ==
'n3') OR ($type ==
'nt')) {
}elseif ((isset
($type)) &&
($type ==
'rdf')) {
}elseif ((isset
($type)) &&
($type ==
'grddl')) {
}elseif ((isset
($type)) &&
($type ==
'rss')) {
// create a parser according to the suffix of the filename
// if there is no suffix assume the file to be XML/RDF
preg_match("/\.([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$/", $filename, $suffix);
if (($stream &&
($stream &&
'n3')) {
* Adds a statement from another model to this model.
* If the statement to be added contains a blankNode with an identifier
* already existing in this model, a new blankNode is generated.
* @param Object Statement $statement
function _addStatementFromAnotherModel($statement, &$blankNodes_tmp)
$subject =
$object =
if (is_a($subject, "BlankNode")) {
$label =
if ($this->findFirstMatchingStatement($subject, NULL, NULL)
$this->findFirstMatchingStatement(NULL, NULL, $subject))
$blankNodes_tmp[$label] =
new BlankNode($this);
$statement->subj =
$blankNodes_tmp[$label] =
$statement->subj =
if (is_a($object, "BlankNode")) {
$label =
if ($this->findFirstMatchingStatement($object, NULL, NULL)
$this->findFirstMatchingStatement(NULL, NULL, $object))
$blankNodes_tmp[$label] =
new BlankNode($this);
$statement->obj =
$blankNodes_tmp[$label] =
$statement->obj =
* Internal method, that returns a resource URI that is unique for the Model.
* URIs are generated using the base_uri of the DbModel, the prefix and a unique number.
* If no prefix is defined, the bNode prefix, defined in constants.php, is used.
function getUniqueResourceURI($prefix =
return $prefix.++
* Returns a ResModel with this model as baseModel. This is the same as
* ModelFactory::getResModelForBaseModel($this).
* @return object ResModel
* Returns an OntModel with this model as baseModel.
* $vocabulary has to be one of the following constants (currently only one is supported):
* RDFS_VOCABULARY to select a RDFS Vocabulary.
* This is the same as ModelFactory::getOntModelForBaseModel($this, $vocabulary).
* @param constant $vocabulary
* @return object OntModel
* Searches for triples using find() and tracks forward blank nodes
* until the final objects in the retrieved subgraphs are all named resources.
* The method calls itself recursivly until the result is complete.
* NULL input for subject, predicate or object will match anything.
* Inputparameters are ignored for recursivly found statements.
* Returns a new MemModel or adds (without checking for duplicates)
* the found statements to a given MemModel.
* Returns an empty MemModel, if nothing is found.
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* WARNING: This method can be slow with large models.
* NOTE: Blank nodes are not renamed, they keep the same nodeIDs
* as in the queried model!
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* @author Anton Koestlbacher <>
* @param object Node $subject
* @param object Node $predicate
* @param object Node $object
* @param object MemModel $object
* @return object MemModel
function findForward($subject, $predicate, $object, &$newModel =
if (!is_a($newModel, "MemModel"))
if (is_a($this, "DbModel"))
$res =
$model->find($subject, $predicate, $object);
$it =
elseif (is_a($this, "MemModel")) {
$it =
$model->findAsIterator($subject, $predicate, $object);
elseif (is_a($this, "ResModel")) {
$it =
$model->findAsIterator($subject, $predicate, $object);
$statement =
if (is_a($statement->object(),'BlankNode'))
$model->findForward($statement->object(), NULL, NULL, $newModel);
* Perform an RDQL query on this Model. Should work with all types of models.
* This method returns a MemModel containing the result statements.
* If $closure is set to TRUE, the result will additionally contain
* statements found by the findForward-method for blank nodes.
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* WARNING: If called with $closure = TRUE this method
* can be slow with large models.
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* @author Anton K�tlbacher <>
* @author code snippets taken from the RAP Netapi by Phil Dawes and Chris Bizer
* @param string $queryString
* @param boolean $closure
* @return object MemModel
$parsedQuery =
& $parser->parseQuery($queryString);
// If there are variables used in the pattern but not
// in the select clause, add them to the select clause
foreach ($parsedQuery['patterns'] as $n =>
foreach ($pattern as $key =>
if ($val_1['value']{0}==
if (!in_array($val_1['value'],$parsedQuery['selectVars']))
if (is_a($this, "DbModel"))
elseif (is_a($this, "MemModel"))
elseif (is_a($this, "ResModel"))
$res =
// Build statements from RdqlResultIterator
while ($rdqlIter->hasNext()) {
$result =
foreach ($parsedQuery['patterns'] as $n =>
if (substr($pattern['subject']['value'], 0, 1) ==
$subj =
$subj =
new Resource($pattern['subject']['value']);
if (substr($pattern['predicate']['value'], 0, 1) ==
$pred =
$pred =
new Resource($pattern['predicate']['value']);
if (substr($pattern['object']['value'], 0, 1) ==
$obj =
if (isset
$obj =
new Literal($pattern['object']['value']);
$obj =
new Resource($pattern['object']['value']);
$statement =
new Statement($subj,$pred,$obj);
// findForward() Statements containing an eventually given blank node
// and add them to the result, if closure = true
if (is_a($statement->object(),'BlankNode') &&
$closure ==
$newModel =
$model->findForward($statement->object(),NULL,NULL, $newModel);
if (is_a($statement->subject(),'BlankNode') &&
$closure ==
$newModel =
$model->findForward($statement->subject(),NULL,NULL, $newModel);
* Alias for RDFUtil::visualiseGraph(&$model, $format, $short_prefix)
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Note: See RDFUtil for further Information.
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* @author Anton K�tlbacher <>
* @param boolean $short_prefix
function visualize($format =
"dot", $short_prefix =
* Performs a SPARQL query against a model. The model is converted to
* an RDF Dataset. The result can be retrived in SPARQL Query Results XML Format or
* as an array containing the variables an their bindings.
* @param string $query the sparql query string
* @param string $resultform the result form ('xml' for SPARQL Query Results XML Format)
return $engine->queryModel(
}//function sparqlQuery($query,$resultform = false)
* Prepares a sparql query and returns a prepared statement
* that can be executed with data later on.
* @param string $query Sparql query to prepare.
* @return SparqlEngine_PreparedStatement prepared statement object
}//function sparqlPrepare($query)
* Prepares everything for SparqlEngine-usage
* Loads the files, creates instances for SparqlEngine and
* @return array First value is the sparql engine, second the dataset
require_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR .
require_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR .
}//function _prepareSparql()
* Parses an query and returns the parsed form.
* If the query is not a string but a Query object,
* it will just be returned.
* @param $query mixed String or Query object
* @return Query query object
* @throws Exception If $query is no string and no Query object
require_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR .
}//function _parseSparqlQuery($query)
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:49:52 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2