ModelFactory is a static class which provides methods for creating different types of RAP models. RAP models have to be created trough a ModelFactory instead of creating them directly with the 'new' operator because of RAP's dynamic code inclusion mechanism.
Located in /model/ModelFactory.php (line 23)
Returns a NamedGraphSetMem.
You can supply a GraphSet name.
Returns a new DbModel using the database connection supplied by $dbStore.
You can supply a base URI. If a model with the given base URI exists in the DbStore, it'll be opened. If not, a new model will be created.
Returns a database connection with the given parameters.
Paramters, which are not defined are taken from the constants.php
Returns a DbModel with the database connection defined in constants.php.
You can supply a base URI. If a model with the given base URI exists in the DbStore, it'll be opened. If not, a new model will be created.
Returns a InfModelB.
(MemModel with backward chaining inference engine) Configurations can be done in constants.php You can supply a base URI
Returns a InfModelF.
(MemModel with forward chaining inference engine) Configurations can be done in constants.php You can supply a base URI
Returns an OntModel.
$modelType has to be one of the following constants: MEMMODEL, DBMODEL, INFMODELF, INFMODELB to create a OntModel with a new model from defined type. $vocabulary defines the ontology language. Currently only RDFS_VOCABULARY is supported. You can supply a model base URI.
Creates an OntModel that wraps an existing base model.
$vocabulary defines the ontology language. Currently only RDFS_VOCABULARY is supported.
Returns a ResModel.
$modelType has to be one of the following constants: MEMMODEL,DBMODEL,INFMODELF,INFMODELB to create a resmodel with a new model from defined type. You can supply a base URI
Creates a ResModel that wraps an existing base model.
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:49:54 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2