In-memory implementation of a RDF dataset.
A RDF dataset set is a collection of named RDF graphs.
Located in /dataset/DatasetMem.php (line 21)
Dataset | --DatasetMem
You can supply a Dataset name.
Adds a NamedGraph to the set. Will replace a NamedGraph with the same name that is already in the set.
Adds a quad to the Dataset. The argument must not contain any wildcards. If the quad is already present, nothing happens. A new named graph will automatically be created if necessary.
Tells wether the Dataset contains a NamedGraph.
Tells wether the Dataset contains a quad or quads matching a pattern.
Returns the number of NamedGraphs in the set. Empty graphs are counted.
Counts the Quads in the RDF dataset. Identical Triples in different NamedGraphs are counted individually.
Creates a new NamedGraph and adds it to the set. An existing graph with the same name will be replaced.The name of the NamedGraph to be created ; must be an URI
Finds Statements that match a pattern in the default Graph. The argument may contain wildcards.
Finds Statements that match a quad pattern. The argument may contain wildcards.
Returns the NamedGraph with a specific name from the Dataset.
Changes to the graph will be reflected in the set.
Returns true, if an defaultGraph exists. False otherwise .
Returns the names of the namedGraphs in this set as strings in an array.
Returns an iterator over all NamedGraphs in the set.
Removes a NamedGraph from the set. Nothing happens if no graph with that name is contained in the set.
Sets the Datasets name.
Inherited From Dataset
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:48:42 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2