An RDF statement.
In this implementation, a statement is not itself a resource. If you want to use a a statement as subject or object of other statements, you have to reify it first.
Located in /model/Statement.php (line 17)
Object | --Statement
Class | Description |
InfStatement | An RDF statement which was entailed by a inference rule. |
The parameters to constructor are instances of classes and not just strings
Compares two statements and returns integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero.
Can be used for writing sorting function for models or with the PHP function usort().
Checks if two statements are equal.
Two statements are considered to be equal if they have the same subject, predicate and object. A statement can only be equal to another statement object.
Reurns the URI, text or bNode identifier of the statements's object.
Returns the URI of the statements's predicate.
Returns the URI or bNode identifier of the statements's subject.
Reifies a statement.
Returns a new MemModel that is the reification of the statement. For naming the statement's bNode a Model or bNodeID must be passed to the method.
Dumps the triple.
Reurns a toString() serialization of the statements's object.
Returns a toString() serialization of the statements's predicate.
Returns a toString() serialization of the statements's subject.
Inherited From Object
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:52:28 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2