Class ResList


Implementation of an rdf:Collection (rdf:List) Provides a convenience encapsulation for lists formed from chains of RDF statements arranged to form a head/tail cons-cell structure.

A well-formed list has cells that are made up of three statements: one denoting the rdf:type of the list cell, one denoting the link to the value of the list at that point, and one pointing to the list tail. If a list cell is not well-formed, list operations may fail in unpredictable ways. However, to explicitly check that the list is well-formed at all times is expensive, but you can call the isValid() method to manually check, if the list is well formed.

Located in /resModel/ResList.php (line 28)

Method Summary
ResList ResList ([string $uri = null])
boolean add (object ResResource $resource)
object ResList append ( $resList, object ResList $ResList)
void concatenate (object ResList $ResList)
boolean contains (object ResResource $value)
ResResource get (integer $position)
ResResource getHead ()
integer indexOf (object ResResource $resource, [integer $offset = 0])
integer isEmpty (object Statement $statement)
boolean isValid ()
boolean removeList ()
object ResResource replace (integer $index, object ResResource $resource)
boolean sameListAs (object ResList $resList)
ResResource setHead (object ResResource $value)
object Reslist setTail (object ResList $resList)
Constructor ResList (line 59)

Constructor You can supply a URI

  • access: public
ResList ResList ([string $uri = null])
  • string $uri
add (line 99)

Add the given value to the end of the list.

it is only defined if this is not the empty list.

  • access: public
boolean add (object ResResource $resource)
append (line 377)

Answer a new list that is formed by adding each element of

this list to the head of the given list. This is a non side-effecting operation on either this list or the given list, but generates a copy of this list. For a more storage efficient alternative, see concatenate

  • access: public
object ResList append ( $resList, object ResList $ResList)
concatenate (line 356)

Change the tail of this list to point to the given list, so that this list becomes the list of the concatenation of the elements of both lists. This is a side-effecting operation on this list; for a non side-effecting alternative, see append.

  • access: public
void concatenate (object ResList $ResList)
cons (line 420)

Return a reference to a new list cell whose head is value and whose tail is this list.

  • access: public
contains (line 249)

Answer true if the given node appears as the value of a value of any of the cells of this list.

  • access: public
boolean contains (object ResResource $value)
copy (line 399)

Answer a list that contains all of the elements of this list in the same order, but is a duplicate copy in the underlying model.

  • access: public
object ResList copy ()
get (line 76)

Returns the value of the list element at the specified position or null.

  • access: public
ResResource get (integer $position)
  • integer $position
getContentInArray (line 320)

Get all values in the list as an array of ResResources

  • access: public
array getContentInArray ()
getHead (line 158)

Get the value that is associated with the head of the list.

  • access: public
ResResource getHead ()
getTail (line 262)

Get the list that is the tail of this list.

  • access: public
object ResList getTail ()
indexOf (line 197)

Get the Position of the first occurrence of the given value in the list, or -1 if the value is not in the list.

You can supply an offset to search for values. (First element has offset 0) Default is 0

  • access: public
integer indexOf (object ResResource $resource, [integer $offset = 0])
isEmpty (line 309)

Returns true, if this list is empty

  • access: public
integer isEmpty (object Statement $statement)
  • object Statement $statement
isValid (line 541)

Answer true if the list is well-formed, by checking that each node is correctly typed, and has a head and tail pointer from the correct vocabulary

  • access: public
boolean isValid ()
remove (line 502)

Remove the given value from this list.

If value does not occur in the list, no action is taken. Since removing the head of the list will invalidate the list head cell, in general the list must return the list that results from this operation. However, in many cases the return value will be the same as the object that this method is invoked on.

  • access: public
removeHead (line 171)

Remove the head of the list. The tail of the list remains in the model. Note that no changes are made to list cells that point to this list cell as their tail.

  • access: public
ResList removeHead ()
removeList (line 280)

Remove all of the components of this list from the model.

Note that this is operation is only removing the list cells themselves, not the resources referenced by the list - unless being the object of an rdf:first statement is the only mention of that resource in the model.

  • access: public
boolean removeList ()
replace (line 227)

Replace the value at the i'th position in the list with the given value

  • access: public
object ResResource replace (integer $index, object ResResource $resource)
sameListAs (line 467)

Answer true if this list has the same elements in the same order as the given list. Note that the standard equals test just tests for equality of two given list cells.

While such a test is sufficient for many purposes, this test provides a broader equality definition, but is correspondingly more expensive to test.

  • access: public
boolean sameListAs (object ResList $resList)
setHead (line 138)

Update the head of the list to have the given value, and return the previous value.

  • access: public
ResResource setHead (object ResResource $value)
setTail (line 442)

Update the list cell at the front of the list to have the given list as tail. The old tail is returned, and remains in the model.

  • access: public
object Reslist setTail (object ResList $resList)

Inherited Methods

Inherited From ResResource


Inherited From Resource


Inherited From Object


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