Source for file ResList.php
Documentation is available at ResList.php
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implementation of an rdf:Collection (rdf:List)
* Provides a convenience encapsulation for lists formed from
* chains of RDF statements arranged to form a head/tail cons-cell
* A well-formed list has cells that are made up of three statements:
* one denoting the rdf:type of the list cell, one denoting the link
* to the value of the list at that point, and one pointing to the
* list tail. If a list cell is not well-formed, list operations may
* fail in unpredictable ways. However, to explicitly check that the
* list is well-formed at all times is expensive, but you can call
* the isValid() method to manually check, if the list is well formed.
* @version $Id: fsource_resModel__resModelResList.php.html 443 2007-06-01 16:25:38Z cax $
* @author Daniel Westphal <mail at d-westphal dot de>
* Holds a ResResource with the uri rdf:rest
* Holds a ResResource with the uri rdf:first
* Holds a ResResource with the uri rdf:nil
//call the parent's constructor
* Returns the value of the list element at the specified position or null.
* @param integer $position
//walk through the list until the position in the list is reached
for ($i=
//return the associated value
return $this->_getValue($listElement);
* Add the given value to the end of the list.
* it is only defined if this is not the empty list.
* @param object ResResource $resource
//return false if this list is the empty list
//if this is the first value
$newLastElement =
& $this;
//if there are other values in the list
//get the last list element
//remove the rdf:rest property
//create a new list element
//concatenate the new list element with the list
//ad the rdf:nil property to the last list element
* Update the head of the list to have the given value,
* and return the previous value.
* @param object ResResource $value
//todo: error handling, when empty list
* Get the value that is associated with the head of the list.
//todo: error handling, falls empty list
return $this->_getValue($this);
* Remove the head of the list. The tail of the list
* remains in the model. Note that no changes are made to
* list cells that point to this list cell as their tail.
//get the second list element
//remove the first element
//change this Resource URI to that of the second list element
//thus makin it the fist element
* Get the Position of the first occurrence of the given value in the list,
* or -1 if the value is not in the list.
* You can supply an offset to search for values. (First element has offset 0)
* @param object ResResource $resource
function indexOf($resource, $offset =
//walk through the list until the value is found and the position is higher than
while ($actualIndex <
$offset ||
//if the end of the list is reached and the value isn't found
* Replace the value at the i'th position in the list with the given value
* @param object ResResource $resource
* @return object ResResource
function replace($index, $resource)
//get the list element at the $index position
* Answer true if the given node appears as the value of a value
* of any of the cells of this list.
* @param object ResResource $value
//return true, if a position was found.
* Get the list that is the tail of this list.
//get the second list element
//return the second element as new list
return $this->model->createList($nextListElement->getURI());
* Remove all of the components of this list from the model.
* Note that this is operation is only removing the list cells
* themselves, not the resources referenced by the list -
* unless being the object of an rdf:first statement is the
* only mention of that resource in the model.
* Returns true, if this list is empty
* @param object Statement $statement
* Get all values in the list as an array of ResResources
//add the value of the current element to the result if is set.
//walk through the list until it's end
* Change the tail of this list to point to the given list, so that this list
* becomes the list of the concatenation of the elements of
* both lists. This is a side-effecting operation on this list;
* for a non side-effecting alternative, see append.
* @param object ResList $ResList
//get the last list element
//remove the old tail (rdf:nil)
//add the $ResList as new tail
* Answer a new list that is formed by adding each element of
* this list to the head of the given list. This is a non
* side-effecting operation on either this list or the given
* list, but generates a copy of this list. For a more storage
* efficient alternative, see concatenate
* @param object ResList $ResList
//get a copy of this list
//add all values from the $resList to the new list
foreach ($resList->getContentInArray() as $value)
* Answer a list that contains all of the elements of this
* list in the same order, but is a duplicate copy in the
//create a new list in the model
//add all values from this list to the new list
* Return a reference to a new list cell whose head is value
* and whose tail is this list.
* @param object ResResource $value
//set this list as the tail of the new list
* Update the list cell at the front of the list to have the
* given list as tail. The old tail is returned, and remains
* @param object ResList $resList
//add the $resList as new Tail
* Answer true if this list has the same elements in the
* same order as the given list. Note that the standard equals
* test just tests for equality of two given list cells.
* While such a test is sufficient for many purposes, this
* test provides a broader equality definition, but is
* correspondingly more expensive to test.
* @param object ResList $resList
//get the values for both lists at the actual position
//if the values aren't equal, return false
if (($thisValue !==
null) &&
//walk until this list reaches a null value (end)
} while ($thisValue!==
//if the other list has a null value at this position too, return true
return ($thatValue===
* Remove the given value from this list.
* If value does not occur in the list, no action is taken. Since removing the
* head of the list will invalidate the list head cell, in
* general the list must return the list that results from
* this operation. However, in many cases the return value
* will be the same as the object that this method is invoked
* @param object ResResource $value
//if the value is the value of the first list element(head)
//call the remove head position and return the new head
if ($value->equals($this->_getValue($this)))
//if the value equals the value of the current list element
if ($newElement !==
null &&
//remove the link to the list element to be removed
//add a link to the list element AFTER the element to be deleted
//remove the list element with values
} while ($element!==
* Answer true if the list is well-formed, by checking that each
* node is correctly typed, and has a head and tail pointer from
if ($this->_getValue($this)===
null &&
$this->_getRestElement($this) ===
//return true if the last element is a rdf:nil
//return false, if the current element has no associated value
if ($this->_getValue($element) ===
} while ($element !==
//return false, if the current element has no rdf:rest property
* Get the associated rdf:rest Resource from the suplied ResList element
* @param object ResList $listElement
function _getRestElement($listElement)
//get the rdf:rest property
//return null, if this property isn't set
//return the value of the rdf:rest property
return $statement->getObject();
* Returns the list element at the $index position.
* If to $index is suplied, the last list element will be returned
* @return object ResResource
function _getListElement($index =
//return the current element if index matches the current index
if ($actualIndex ===
//return the current element if it the last one
if ($element->hasProperty($this->rdfRestResource,$this->rdfNilResource))
* Get the value associated to the $listResource by the rdf:first property
* @param object ResList $listResource
* @return object ResResource
function _getValue($listResource)
//Return the value of the rdf:first property or null, if it isn't set
return $statement->getObject();
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:51:29 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2