Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.trix

Support for TriX, a serialization format for both RDF and Named Graphs.


Interface Summary
ParserCallback Callback that is fed by TriXParser with graphs and triples from a TriX file (see TriX specification).

Class Summary
JenaRDFReader Simple RDFReader that adds support for the TriX syntax (see TriX specification) to the Jena framework.
JenaRDFReaderWithExtensions Simple RDFReader that adds support for the TriX syntax (see TriX specification) to the Jena framework.
JenaRDFWriter Simple RDFWriter that adds support for the TriX syntax (see TriX specification) to the Jena framework.
SAXHandler A SAX content handler that reads a TriX file and calls methods on a ParserCallback for its graphs and triples.
SyntacticExtensionProcessor Implements TriX syntactic extensions by taking a DOM representation of a TriX document by finding any stylesheet processing instructions therein, fetching the stylesheets, applying them to the DOM tree, and returning the modified tree.
TriXParser A parser for TriX files (see TriX specification).
TriXParserWithExtensions A parser for TriX files (see TriX specification).
TriXReader Reads TriX files (see TriX specification) into NamedGraphSets.
TriXReaderWithExtensions Reads TriX files (see TriX specification) into NamedGraphSets.
TriXWriter Serializes a NamedGraphSet as a TriX file (see TriX specification).

Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.trix Description

Support for TriX, a serialization format for both RDF and Named Graphs. Can be used stand-alone without Jena. The parser is SAX-based and uses an XML Schema for validation. It supports TriX syntactic extensions (XSLT stylesheets which are applied before processing the file). This is not very efficient.