Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.triql

A TriQL query engine.


Class Summary
GraphPattern A graph pattern in a TriQL query, consisting of a graph name pattern and a collection of triple patterns.
QueryExecutionService Executes a TriQL query and returns results.
ResultBinding A set of variable values.
TriQLQuery A TriQL query.

Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.triql Description

A TriQL query engine. TriQL is an extension to RDQL and adds the ability to query for data in certain Named Graphs.

The query engine implementation is na•ve.

TriQLQuery encapsulates the structure of a query. GraphPattern is used as a helper class to encapsulate a part of the query. The QueryExecutionService implements the query engine.

The parser for the TriQL query syntax is in the parser subpackage.