Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.trig

Support for TriG, a serialization format for Named Graphs based on N3/Turtle.


Interface Summary
TriGParserEventHandler Interface for handling the output events from the TriG parser.

Class Summary
AntlrUtils Miscellaneous things in support of Antlr-derived parsers.
N3JenaWriterCommon Common framework for implementing N3 writers.
N3JenaWriterPP An N3 pretty printer.
NamedGraphSetPopulator A Handler for TriG parsing events which populates a NamedGraphSet.
PrettyNamespacePrefixMaker Analyzes a graph and generates a pretty namespace mapping from it.
TriGParser The formal interface to the TriG parser.
TriGReader Reads TriG files (see TriG specification) into NamedGraphSets.
TriGWriter Serializes a NamedGraphSet as a TriG file (see TriG specification).

Exception Summary

Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.trig Description

Support for TriG, a serialization format for Named Graphs based on N3/Turtle.

The parser implementation is based on Jena's N3 parser. The parser is generated from an AntLR grammar. The grammar and all of the files generated from it are stored in the parser subpackage.

The parser uses the callback interface TriGParserEventHandler. Its only implementation is the NamedGraphSetPopulator, which processes the parser events and populates a NamedGraphSet.

The serializer uses a copy of Jena's N3JenaWriterPP to write out the individual graphs, with a bit of surrounding code.