Class SWPNamedGraphImpl

  extended by de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.impl.NamedGraphImpl
      extended by de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.swp.impl.SWPNamedGraphImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Graph, GraphAdd, NamedGraph, SWPNamedGraph

public class SWPNamedGraphImpl
extends NamedGraphImpl
implements SWPNamedGraph

Chris Bizer

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph
Constructor Summary
SWPNamedGraphImpl(Node graphName, Graph graph)
Method Summary
 boolean assertWithSignature(SWPAuthority authority, Node signatureMethod, ArrayList listOfAuthorityProperties)
          Given an SWP Authority, digitally sign the current graph according to the signatureMethod.
 SWPAuthority[] getAssertingAuthorities()
 SWPAuthority[] getAssertingAuthoritiesWithVerifyableSignature()
 SWPAuthority[] getQuotingAuthorities()
 SWPWarrant[] getWarrants()
          Returns an array of all warrants about the graph.
 SWPWarrant[] getWarrantsWithVerifyableSignature()
          Returns an array of all warrants with a verifiable signature about the graph.
 boolean swpAssert(SWPAuthority authority)
 boolean swpAssert(SWPAuthority authority, ArrayList listOfAuthorityProperties)
          Given an SWP Authority, assert the current graph with this Authority.
 boolean swpQuote(SWPAuthority authority)
 boolean swpQuote(SWPAuthority authority, ArrayList listOfAuthorityProperties)
          Given an SWP Authority, quote the current graph with this Authority.
Methods inherited from class de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.impl.NamedGraphImpl
add, close, contains, contains, delete, dependsOn, find, find, getBulkUpdateHandler, getCapabilities, getEventManager, getGraphName, getPrefixMapping, getReifier, getTransactionHandler, isClosed, isEmpty, isIsomorphicWith, queryHandler, size, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.NamedGraph
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph
close, contains, contains, delete, dependsOn, find, find, getBulkUpdateHandler, getCapabilities, getEventManager, getPrefixMapping, getReifier, getTransactionHandler, isClosed, isEmpty, isIsomorphicWith, queryHandler, size
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.GraphAdd

Constructor Detail


public SWPNamedGraphImpl(Node graphName,
                         Graph graph)
Method Detail


public boolean swpAssert(SWPAuthority authority,
                         ArrayList listOfAuthorityProperties)
Description copied from interface: SWPNamedGraph
Given an SWP Authority, assert the current graph with this Authority. If the current graph is not a warrant graph, then it will be turned into a warrant graph and the warranting information will be added directly into the graph. Otherwise swpAssert will return false. Example: :G1 { :Monica foaf:name "Monica Murphy" } would become: :G1 { :Monica foaf:name "Monica Murphy" . :G1 swp:assertedBy :G1 . :G1 swp:authority } If the Authority doesn't have a URI, then a blank node will be used to identify the authority and a additional triple containing the foaf:mbox adress of the authority will be added. The listOfAuthorityProperties contains list of properties names (as nodes) describing the authority. These properties will be included into the warrant graph, e.g. foaf:name, foaf:mbox

Specified by:
swpAssert in interface SWPNamedGraph


public boolean swpAssert(SWPAuthority authority)
Specified by:
swpAssert in interface SWPNamedGraph


public boolean swpQuote(SWPAuthority authority,
                        ArrayList listOfAuthorityProperties)
Description copied from interface: SWPNamedGraph
Given an SWP Authority, quote the current graph with this Authority.

Specified by:
swpQuote in interface SWPNamedGraph


public boolean swpQuote(SWPAuthority authority)
Specified by:
swpQuote in interface SWPNamedGraph


public boolean assertWithSignature(SWPAuthority authority,
                                   Node signatureMethod,
                                   ArrayList listOfAuthorityProperties)
Description copied from interface: SWPNamedGraph
Given an SWP Authority, digitally sign the current graph according to the signatureMethod. The graph will be turned into a warrant graph and warranting and signature information will be added to the graph. Example: :G1 { :Monica foaf:name "Monica Murphy" . :G1 swp:assertedBy :G1 . :G1 swp:authority :G1 swp:signatureMethod swp:JjcRdfC14N-rsa-sha1 . :G1 swp:signature "..." } If the graph is already a warrant graph, then a new warrant graph will be created. Example: :G1 { :Monica foaf:name "Monica Murphy" . :G1 swp:assertedBy :G1 . :G1 swp:authority :G1 swp:signatureMethod swp:JjcRdfC14N-rsa-sha1 . :G1 swp:signature "..." } :Timestamp { :G1 swp:assertedBy :Timestamp . :G1 swp:digestMethod swp:JjcRdfC14N-sha1 . :G1 swp:digest "..." . :Timestamp swp:assertedBy :Timestamp . :Timestamp swp:authority . :Timestamp swp:signatureMethod swp:JjcRdfC14N-rsa-sha1 . :Timestamp swp:signature "..." } The listOfAuthorityProperties contains list of properties names (as nodes) describing the authority. These properties will be included into the warrant graph, e.g. foaf:name, foaf:mbox, swp:publicKey Return true if successful.

Specified by:
assertWithSignature in interface SWPNamedGraph


public SWPWarrant[] getWarrants()
Description copied from interface: SWPNamedGraph
Returns an array of all warrants about the graph.

Specified by:
getWarrants in interface SWPNamedGraph


public SWPWarrant[] getWarrantsWithVerifyableSignature()
Description copied from interface: SWPNamedGraph
Returns an array of all warrants with a verifiable signature about the graph. Calling this method requires adding a graph called before. This graph has to contain the public keys and certificates of authorities or root certificates by CAs trusted by the user. The content of this graph will we treated as trustworthy information in the signature verification process. The results of the signature verification process will also be added to the verification caching graph . The content of the verification caching graph is also used to speed the verification process.

Specified by:
getWarrantsWithVerifyableSignature in interface SWPNamedGraph


public SWPAuthority[] getAssertingAuthorities()
Specified by:
getAssertingAuthorities in interface SWPNamedGraph


public SWPAuthority[] getQuotingAuthorities()
Specified by:
getQuotingAuthorities in interface SWPNamedGraph


public SWPAuthority[] getAssertingAuthoritiesWithVerifyableSignature()
Specified by:
getAssertingAuthoritiesWithVerifyableSignature in interface SWPNamedGraph