Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j.semwebclient

Interface Summary
DereferencingListener Interface of a Listener which handles the DereferencingResults.
TripleListener Listener to handle TripleFoundEvents.

Class Summary
DereferencerThread The DereferencerThread executes a given DereferencingTask.
DereferencingResult The dereferencing result contains informations about the success or failure of a DereferencingTasks execution.
DereferencingTask A DereferencingTask represents a URI which has to be retrieved.
DereferencingTaskQueue The DereferencingTaskQueue is a thread which observes the DereferencerThreads.
FindQuery The FindQuery runs a find query against the Semantic Web.
Gleaner The Gleaner examines an HTML representation of a web resource to locate applicable GRDDL transformations and subsequently applies those transformations to the original document to get RDF descriptions.
SemanticWebClient The SematicWebClient interface enables applications to access the Semantic Web.
SemWebIterator A Semantic Web Client Iterator which is returned from the find(TripleMatch pattern) method of the SemWebClientImpl.
SemWebTriple A Triple which contains information about it's source.
TripleFinder A Thread which starts a retrieval process and reports every found triple to a listener.