Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j

Basic Jena-compatible API for dealing with Named Graphs on the Graph or Model level.


Interface Summary
NamedGraph A collection of RDF triples which is named by an URI.
NamedGraphSet A set of NamedGraphs and the core part of the Named Graphs for Jena API.
NamedGraphSetReader Reads a serialized set of Named Graphs from a Reader, InputStream, or URL into a NamedGraphSet.
NamedGraphSetWriter Serializes a NamedGraphSet into a Writer or OutputStream.

Class Summary
NamedGraphModel Jena Model implementation providing a resource-centric view on a NamedGraphSet's union graph.
NamedGraphStatement A Statement which can provide provenance information about the NamedGraphs in which it is contained.
Quad A Triple in a NamedGraph, consisting of four Jena Nodes: graphName, subject, predicate, and object.

Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.ng4j Description

Basic Jena-compatible API for dealing with Named Graphs on the Graph or Model level.