Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Freie Universität Berlin
Chris Bizer - Institut für Produktion, Wirtschaftsinformatik und OR

D2R MAP - Use Cases

D2R MAP is basically used as command line tool to export data from a relational database into RDF/XML. But because D2R MAP also exports Jena models, it can also be used as database connector in other applications using Jena. On this page we present some more advanced D2R MAP use cases:


1. Use Case: RDF Database Server using Joseki and D2R MAP

This use case shows how Joseki and D2R MAP can be used together to set up an RDF server which answers RDQL queries about the RDF representation of the contents of a relational database.

Joseki is the Jena RDF server for publishing RDF models on the web. Models have URLs and can be accessed by RDQL queries via HTTP. Please see Joseki Homepage for more details.

D2R MAP V0.2 includes an interface class (de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2r.SourceControllerD2R) for using D2R MAP within the Joseki server. For detailed installation instructions see:
HowTo: Installing a RDF database server using Joseki 2 and D2R MAP V0.2


2. Use Case: E-Shop using Java Server Pages and D2R MAP

This use case shows how Java Server Pages and D2R MAP can be used together to implement an online CD shop with a HTML interface for human users and a RDF interface for Semantic Web agents.

Product data from the relational database is published as HTML pages including
an RDF representation of the product data in the HTML HEAD section and as pure RDF/XML pages. The following screenshots show the HTML and RDF description of the same CD.

View interactive online demonstration of the shop: cb-CDONLINE

Download the source code as WAR-package including the example database and all necessary JAR-files: cd-cat.war, read installation instructions.



Chris Bizer



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Freie Universität Berlin - Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Institut für Produktion, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Research
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik: Prof. Dr. Uwe H. Suhl
Letzte Aktualisierung: 04.02.2004