//create Quads
$quad1= new Quad(new Resource('http://graph3'),new Resource('http://subject1'),new Resource('http://predicate1'),new Resource('http://object1'));
$quad2= new Quad(new Resource('http://graph3'),new Resource('http://subject2'),new Resource('http://predicate2'),new Resource('http://object2'));
$quad3= new Quad(new Resource('http://graph4'),new Resource('http://subject3'),new Resource('http://predicate3'),new Resource('http://object3'));
$quad5= new Quad(new Resource('http://graph4'),new Resource('http://subject5'),new Resource('http://predicate5'),new Resource('http://object5'));
//add Quads to the GraphSet. Thee needed NamedGraphs will be created automatically
//add a NamedGraph to the Set
//Is the Graph "http://graph1" part of the GraphSet?
echo 'Is the Graph "http://graph1" part of the GraphSet?
//remove 'http://graph2' from the set
//Is the Graph "http://graph2" part of the GraphSet?
echo 'Is the Graph "http://graph2" part of the GraphSet?
//creat basic statement
$statement=new Statement(new Resource('http://subject4'),new Resource('http://predicate4'),new Resource('http://object4'));
//get a Graph from the Set and add a basic statement
//remove Quad5
//get an iterator over all Quads
echo 'All Quads:
for($iterator = $graphset->findInNamedGraphs(null,null,null,null); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next())
echo $quad->toString().'
//get an iterator over all Quads in 'http://graph3'
echo 'All Quads in http://graph3:
for($iterator = $graphset->findInNamedGraphs(new resource('http://graph3'),null,null,null); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next())
echo $quad->toString().'
//how many Quads are in the whole GraphSet
echo 'How many Quads are in the whole GraphSet?
echo $graphset->countQuads();
//does the GraphSet contain the Quad (http://graph4, http://subject4, http://predicate4, http://object4) ?
echo 'Does the GraphSet contain the Quad (http://graph4, http://subject4, http://predicate4, http://object4) ?
var_dump($graphset->containsQuad(new Resource('http://graph4'),new Resource('http://subject4'),new Resource('http://predicate4'),new Resource('http://object4')));