RDF API for PHP V0.9.3
Test: Storing Models in Database
This example is part of the RAP - Rdf API for PHP documentation.
1. Connect to rdf database (e.g. Access via ODBC)
Set the system DSN for the particular database file (control pannel -> administrative
tools -> data sources (odbc) -> system DSN).
If you want to use other databases read: Set
Database Connection.
// Include RAP
define("RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR", "./../api/");
// Connect to MsAccess database (rdf_db DSN)
// using connection settings defined in constants.php :
$rdf_database = ModelFactory::getDbStore();
2. Store a memory model in rdf database
Load an RDF-Documtent into a memory model
// Filename of an RDF document
// Create a new memory model
$memModel = ModelFactory::getDefaultModel();
// Load and parse document
Now store the model in database
// An unique modelURI will be generated
// You can also provide an URI for the model to be stored
$modelURI = "example1.rdf";
// But then you must check if there already is a model with the same modelURI
// otherwise the method putModel() will return FALSE
if ($rdf_database->modelExists($modelURI))
echo "Model with the same URI: '$modelURI' already exists";
$rdf_database->putModel($memModel, $modelURI);
3. Create a new database Model
$modelURI = "newDbModel";
// Base URI of the new model (optional)
$baseURI = "baseURIofMyNewDbModel#";
// Get a new DbModel
if ($rdf_database->modelExists($modelURI))
echo "Model with the same URI: '$modelURI' already exists";
$dbModel = $rdf_database->getNewModel($modelURI, $baseURI);
4. List all models stored in rdf database
// Get an array with modelURI and baseURI of all models stored
in rdf database
$list = $rdf_database->listModels();
// Show the database contents
foreach ($list as $model) {
echo "modelURI: " .$model['modelURI'] ."<BR>";
echo "baseURI : " .$model['baseURI'] ."<BR><BR>";
modelURI: DbModel-1
baseURI : http://www.w3.org/Home/Lassila.rdf#
modelURI: example1.rdf
baseURI : http://www.w3.org/Home/Lassila.rdf#
modelURI: newDbModel
baseURI : baseURIofMyNewDbModel#