Creates sql statements from a Query object
Located in /sparql/SparqlEngineDb/SqlGenerator.php (line 13)
Column names for subjects, predicates and objects for easy access via their character names (spo).
Array with placeholders of prepared statements variables.
key is the variable name (without "??"), value is the placeholder.
Array of arrays that contain all variable names which are to be found in the result of an sql statement in a union.
Array of variable name => table.col assignments for all variables used in the query not only the ones that shall be returned.
Which variables have been used as which type? key is variable name, value is an array of max. three keys (s, p, o)
Determines which variables can be found in which SQL result column.
Current UNION part number
Checks if the sentence part (subject, predicate or object) in $arNew has the same content as $arOld.
Required for queries like ":x ?a ?a" where predicate and object need to have the same value
Checks if the graph pattern is empty (contains no usable data).
Occurs when using "{}" without pre- or suffixes WHERE { { ?person rdf:type foaf:Person } . }
Checks if the given variable is a replacement for a prepared statement.
Checks if the given variable name is part of the result variables list.
Needed since $arResultVars may contain "*" that captures all variables.
Checks if the given subject/predicate/object is a variable name.
Removes all NULL values from an array and returns it.
Creates SELECT statements that have the same number of columns.
Needed for UNIONs.
Creates an SQL query string from the given Sparql query object.
Removes a leading AND from the where clause which would render the sql illegal.
Returns a placeholder to be included in the sql statement.
It will be replaced with a real prepared statement variable later on. Also adds it to the internal placeholder array.
Creates an SQL statement that checks for the value of some subject/predicate/object
Creates some SQL statements from the given triple pattern array.
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:52:24 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2