This class takes care of prepared statements: Preparing them in the database, replacing
Located in /sparql/SparqlEngineDb/Preparator.php (line 12)
Creates an array full of variables to be passed to the Execute() method of the database connection object.
Uses the variable positions array to get the positions of the variables in the result array, and the variable value array to get the actual values for the prepared statement.
Executes the given prepared statments, filling the placeholders with the given values.
Converts the given queries into sql prepared statments,
calls the prepare command in the database and returns an array consisting of subarrays. They contain the db's prepared statement as first value, and an array of variable positions as second value (key is the position, the sparql variable is the value).
Replaces the placeholders in the given SQL statement with real SQL prepared statements placeholders.
Callback method internally used by replacePlaceholders() method.
Replaces all placeholders with their actual values.
Callback method internally used by replacePlaceholdersWithVariables() method.
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:50:25 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2