RDFS vocabulary items
Located in /ontModel/RdfsVocabulary.php (line 18)
OntVocabulary | --RdfsVocabulary
Answer the predicate that denotes comment annotation on an ontology element.
Answer the predicate that denotes the domain of a property.
Answer the predicate that denotes isDefinedBy annotation on an ontology element
Answer the predicate that denotes label annotation on an ontology element
Answer the string that is the namespace prefix for this vocabulary
Answer the resource that represents the class 'class' in this vocabulary.
Answer the predicate that denotes the domain of a property.
Answer the predicate that denotes seeAlso annotation on an ontology element
Answer the predicate that denotes that one class is a sub-class of another.
Answer the predicate that denotes that one property is a sub-property of another.
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