Provides a common super-type for all of the abstractions in this ontology representation package.
Located in /ontModel/OntResource.php (line 18)
Object | --Node | --Resource | --ResResource | --OntResource
Class | Description |
Individual | Interface that encapsulates an individual in an ontology, sometimes referred to as a fact or assertion. |
OntClass | Class that represents an ontology node characterising a class description. |
OntProperty | Class encapsulating a property in an ontology. |
Constructor You can supply a uri
Add the given comment to this resource.
Add a resource that is declared to provide a definition of this resource.
Add the given Label to this resource
Add a property to this resource.
A statement with this resource as the subject, p as the predicate and o as the object is added to the model associated with this resource. If $this->rdfType is set, an additional statement about it's type is added.
Add the given class as one of the rdf:type's for this resource.
Add a resource that is declared to provided additional information about the definition of this resource.
Answer a view of this resource as an Individual
Answer a view of this resource as a property
Answer the comment string for this object. If there is more than one such resource, an arbitrary selection is made.
returns the rdf:type, that this distinct resource is instance of.
Answer a resource that is declared to provide a definition of this resource.
If there is more than one such resource, an arbitrary selection is made.
Answer the label ResLiteral for this object.
If there is more than one such resource, an arbitrary selection is made.
Answer the value of a given RDF property for this resource as $returnType, or null if it doesn't have one. If there is more than one RDF statement with the given property for the current value, it is not defined which of the values will be returned.
The following return Types are supported: 'OntClass', 'OntProperty', 'Individual', and 'ResResource' Default is 'ResResource'
Answer the rdf:type (ie the class) of this resource.
If there is more than one type for this resource, the return value will be one of the values, but it is not specified which one (nor that it will consistently be the same one each time).
Answer a resource that provides additional information about this resource.
If more than one such resource is defined, make an arbitrary choice.
Answer a reference to the ontology language profile that governs the ontology model to which this ontology resource is attached.
Answer true if this resource has the given comment.
Answer true if this resource has the given label.
Answer true if this resource has the given rdf:type.
Answer true if this resource has the given resource as a source of additional information.
Answer true if this resource is defined by the given resource.
Answer an array of all of the comment literals for this resource.
Answer an array of all of the resources that are declared to define this resource.
Answer an array of all of the label literals for this resource, with the given language, if $language is set.
Answer an array of values of a given RDF property for this resource as $returnType, or null if it doesn't have one.
The following return Types are supported: 'OntClass', 'OntProperty', 'Individual', and 'ResResource' Default is 'ResResource'
Answer an array of the RDF classes to which this resource belongs.
If $direct is true, only answer those resources that are direct types of this resource, not the super-classes of the class etc.
Answer an array of all of the resources that are declared to provide addition information about this resource.
Remove the statement that the given ResLiteral is a comment on this resource.
Returns true, if a statement was removed
Remove the statement that this resource is defined by the given resource.
Remove the statement that the given ResLiteral is a label on this resource.
Returns true, if a statement was removed
Remove the specific property-value pair from this resource.
Remove the statement that this resource is of the given RDF type.
Remove the statement indicating the given resource as a source of additional information about this resource.
Assert that the given string is the comment on this resource.
Any existing statements for comment will be removed.
Sets the rdf:type, that this distinct resource is instance of.
If this value is set, the ontModel will add an additional statement about this resource and the fiven rdf:type
Assert that the given resource provides a source of definitions about this resource.
Any existing statements for isDefinedBy will be removed.
Assert that the given string is the label on this resource.
Any existing statements for comment will be removed.
Set the value of the given property of this ontology resource to the given value.
Maintains the invariant that there is at most one value of the property for a given resource, so existing property values are first removed. To add multiple properties, use addProperty.
Set the RDF type (ie the class) for this resource, replacing any existing rdf:type property. Any existing statements for the RDF type will first be removed.
Add a resource that is declared to provided additional information about the definition of this resource
Sets the reference to the assoiated vocabulary
Inherited From ResResource
Inherited From Resource
Inherited From Object
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:50:14 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2