Class OntResource


Provides a common super-type for all of the abstractions in this ontology representation package.

Located in /ontModel/OntResource.php (line 18)

Direct descendents
Class Description
Individual Interface that encapsulates an individual in an ontology, sometimes referred to as a fact or assertion.
OntClass Class that represents an ontology node characterising a class description.
OntProperty Class encapsulating a property in an ontology.
Method Summary
OntResource OntResource ([string $uri = null])
boolean addComment (object ResLiteral $comment)
boolean addIsDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
boolean addLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
object ResResource addProperty (ResResource $property, ResResource/ResLiteral $object)
boolean addRDFType (object ResResource $resResource)
boolean addSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
object ResLiteral getComment ()
object ResResource getInstanceRdfType ()
object ResResource getIsDefinedBy ()
object ResResource getLabelProperty (string $uri)
object OntClass getPropertyValue (object ResResource $property, [string $returnType = 'ResResource'])
object ResResource getRDFType ()
object ResResource getSeeAlso ()
boolean hasComment (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
boolean hasLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
boolean hasRDFType (object ResResource $ontClass)
boolean hasSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
boolean isDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
array listComments (string $language)
array listIsDefinedBy ()
array listLabelProperties ([ $language = false])
array listProperty (object ResResource $property, [string $returnType = 'OntResource'])
array listRDFTypes ([boolean $direct = true])
array listSeeAlso ()
boolean removeComment (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
boolean removeDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
boolean removeLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
boolean removeProperty (object ResResource $property, object ResResource $value)
boolean removeRDFType (object ResResource $resResource)
boolean removeSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
void setComment (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
void setInstanceRdfType (object ResResource $resResource)
void setIsDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
void setLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
void setPropertyValue (object ResResource $property, object ResResource $value)
void setRDFType (object ResResource $resResource)
void setSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
void setVocabulary ( &$vocabulary, object OntVocabulary $vocabulary)
Constructor OntResource (line 44)

Constructor You can supply a uri

  • access: public
OntResource OntResource ([string $uri = null])
  • string $uri
addComment (line 68)

Add the given comment to this resource.

  • access: public
boolean addComment (object ResLiteral $comment)
  • object ResLiteral $comment
addIsDefinedBy (line 91)

Add a resource that is declared to provide a definition of this resource.

  • access: public
boolean addIsDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
addLabelProperty (line 115)

Add the given Label to this resource

  • access: public
boolean addLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
  • object ResLiteral $resLiteral
addProperty (line 706)

Add a property to this resource.

A statement with this resource as the subject, p as the predicate and o as the object is added to the model associated with this resource. If $this->rdfType is set, an additional statement about it's type is added.

  • access: public
object ResResource addProperty (ResResource $property, ResResource/ResLiteral $object)
  • ResResource $property
  • ResResource/ResLiteral $object

Redefinition of:
Add a property to this resource.
addRDFType (line 140)

Add the given class as one of the rdf:type's for this resource.

  • access: public
boolean addRDFType (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
addSeeAlso (line 167)

Add a resource that is declared to provided additional information about the definition of this resource.

  • access: public
boolean addSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
asClass (line 190)

Answer a view of this resource as a class

  • access: public
object OntClass asClass ()
asIndividual (line 201)

Answer a view of this resource as an Individual

  • access: public
object Individual asIndividual ()
asOntProperty (line 212)

Answer a view of this resource as a property

  • access: public
object OntProperty asOntProperty ()
getComment (line 79)

Answer the comment string for this object. If there is more than one such resource, an arbitrary selection is made.

  • return: or NULL
  • access: public
object ResLiteral getComment ()
getInstanceRdfType (line 734)

returns the rdf:type, that this distinct resource is instance of.

  • access: public
object ResResource getInstanceRdfType ()
getIsDefinedBy (line 103)

Answer a resource that is declared to provide a definition of this resource.

If there is more than one such resource, an arbitrary selection is made.

  • access: public
object ResResource getIsDefinedBy ()
getLabelProperty (line 128)

Answer the label ResLiteral for this object.

If there is more than one such resource, an arbitrary selection is made.

  • access: public
object ResResource getLabelProperty (string $uri)
  • string $uri
getPropertyValue (line 243)

Answer the value of a given RDF property for this resource as $returnType, or null if it doesn't have one. If there is more than one RDF statement with the given property for the current value, it is not defined which of the values will be returned.

The following return Types are supported: 'OntClass', 'OntProperty', 'Individual', and 'ResResource' Default is 'ResResource'

  • access: public
object OntClass getPropertyValue (object ResResource $property, [string $returnType = 'ResResource'])
  • object ResResource $property
  • string $returnType
getRDFType (line 154)

Answer the rdf:type (ie the class) of this resource.

If there is more than one type for this resource, the return value will be one of the values, but it is not specified which one (nor that it will consistently be the same one each time).

  • access: public
object ResResource getRDFType ()
getSeeAlso (line 179)

Answer a resource that provides additional information about this resource.

If more than one such resource is defined, make an arbitrary choice.

  • access: public
object ResResource getSeeAlso ()
getVocabulary (line 225)

Answer a reference to the ontology language profile that governs the ontology model to which this ontology resource is attached.

  • access: public
object OntClass getVocabulary (string $uri)
  • string $uri
hasComment (line 276)

Answer true if this resource has the given comment.

  • access: public
boolean hasComment (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
  • object ResLiteral $resLiteral
hasLabelProperty (line 288)

Answer true if this resource has the given label.

  • access: public
boolean hasLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
  • object ResLiteral $resLiteral
hasRDFType (line 300)

Answer true if this resource has the given rdf:type.

  • access: public
boolean hasRDFType (object ResResource $ontClass)
  • object ResResource $ontClass
hasSeeAlso (line 313)

Answer true if this resource has the given resource as a source of additional information.

  • access: public
boolean hasSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
isDefinedBy (line 325)

Answer true if this resource is defined by the given resource.

  • access: public
boolean isDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
listComments (line 337)

Answer an array of all of the comment literals for this resource.

  • access: public
array listComments (string $language)
  • string $language
listIsDefinedBy (line 357)

Answer an array of all of the resources that are declared to define this resource.

  • access: public
array listIsDefinedBy ()
listLabelProperties (line 369)

Answer an array of all of the label literals for this resource, with the given language, if $language is set.

  • access: public
array listLabelProperties ([ $language = false])
  • $language
listProperty (line 421)

Answer an array of values of a given RDF property for this resource as $returnType, or null if it doesn't have one.

The following return Types are supported: 'OntClass', 'OntProperty', 'Individual', and 'ResResource' Default is 'ResResource'

  • return: of ResResources
  • access: public
array listProperty (object ResResource $property, [string $returnType = 'OntResource'])
  • object ResResource $property
  • string $returnType
listRDFTypes (line 393)

Answer an array of the RDF classes to which this resource belongs.

If $direct is true, only answer those resources that are direct types of this resource, not the super-classes of the class etc.

  • return: Array of ResResources
  • access: public
array listRDFTypes ([boolean $direct = true])
  • boolean $direct
listSeeAlso (line 405)

Answer an array of all of the resources that are declared to provide addition information about this resource.

  • return: Array of ResResources
  • access: public
array listSeeAlso ()
removeComment (line 457)

Remove the statement that the given ResLiteral is a comment on this resource.

Returns true, if a statement was removed

  • access: public
boolean removeComment (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
  • object ResLiteral $resLiteral
removeDefinedBy (line 469)

Remove the statement that this resource is defined by the given resource.

  • access: public
boolean removeDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
removeLabelProperty (line 482)

Remove the statement that the given ResLiteral is a label on this resource.

Returns true, if a statement was removed

  • access: public
boolean removeLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
  • object ResLiteral $resLiteral
removeProperty (line 495)

Remove the specific property-value pair from this resource.

  • access: public
boolean removeProperty (object ResResource $property, object ResResource $value)
  • object ResResource $property
  • object ResResource $value
removeRDFType (line 507)

Remove the statement that this resource is of the given RDF type.

  • access: public
boolean removeRDFType (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
removeSeeAlso (line 520)

Remove the statement indicating the given resource as a source of additional information about this resource.

  • access: public
boolean removeSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
setComment (line 532)

Assert that the given string is the comment on this resource.

Any existing statements for comment will be removed.

  • access: public
void setComment (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
  • object ResLiteral $resLiteral
setInstanceRdfType (line 723)

Sets the rdf:type, that this distinct resource is instance of.

If this value is set, the ontModel will add an additional statement about this resource and the fiven rdf:type

  • access: public
void setInstanceRdfType (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
setIsDefinedBy (line 544)

Assert that the given resource provides a source of definitions about this resource.

Any existing statements for isDefinedBy will be removed.

  • access: public
void setIsDefinedBy (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
setLabelProperty (line 556)

Assert that the given string is the label on this resource.

Any existing statements for comment will be removed.

  • access: public
void setLabelProperty (object ResLiteral $resLiteral)
  • object ResLiteral $resLiteral
setPropertyValue (line 571)

Set the value of the given property of this ontology resource to the given value.

Maintains the invariant that there is at most one value of the property for a given resource, so existing property values are first removed. To add multiple properties, use addProperty.

  • access: public
void setPropertyValue (object ResResource $property, object ResResource $value)
  • object ResResource $property
  • object ResResource $value
setRDFType (line 585)

Set the RDF type (ie the class) for this resource, replacing any existing rdf:type property. Any existing statements for the RDF type will first be removed.

  • access: public
void setRDFType (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
setSeeAlso (line 597)

Add a resource that is declared to provided additional information about the definition of this resource

  • access: public
void setSeeAlso (object ResResource $resResource)
  • object ResResource $resResource
setVocabulary (line 56)

Sets the reference to the assoiated vocabulary

  • access: public
void setVocabulary ( &$vocabulary, object OntVocabulary $vocabulary)

Inherited Methods

Inherited From ResResource


Inherited From Resource


Inherited From Object


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