This class represents a single rule in a RDFS inference model.
It primary constists of a trigger and an entailment. In the forward-chaining mode (RDFSFModel) a statement is checked, if it satisfies the trigger. If it does, a new statement is returned. In the backward-chaining mode (RDFSBModel) a find-query is checked with the entailment. If this entailment could satify the find-query, a new find-query is returned, that searches for statements that satisfy the trigger of this rule.
Located in /infModel/InfRule.php (line 24)
Checks, if this rule could entail a statement that matches a find of $subject,$predicate,$object.
Checks, if the statement satisfies the trigger.
Returns a infered InfStatement by evaluating the statement with the entailment rule.
Returns a find-query that matches statements, whose entailed statements would match the supplied find query.
Sets the entailment of this rule The values can be NULL to match anything or be a node that has to be matched.
Sets the trigger of this rule The values can be NULL to match anything or be a node that has to be matched.
Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:49:33 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2