Class IteratorFindQuadsMem


Implementation of a quad iterator.

This Iterator should be used like: for($iterator = $dataset->findInNamedGraphs(null,null,null,null); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next()) { $currentQuad=$it->current(); };

  • author: Daniel Westphal (
  • version: $Id: IteratorFindQuadsMem.html 443 2007-06-01 16:25:38Z cax $
  • access: public

Located in /dataset/IteratorFindQuadsMem.php (line 25)

Method Summary
IteratorFindQuadsMem IteratorFindQuadsMem (Resource $subject, Resource $predicate, Resource $object, dataset &$graphIterator, [Boolean $returnAsTriples = false])
mixed current ()
integer key ()
void next ()
void rewind ()
boolean valid ()
Constructor IteratorFindQuadsMem (line 123)


$subject, $predicate, and $object are used like find(). $getSPO supports the strings 's', 'p', and 'o' to return either the subject, predicate, or object of the result statements.

  • access: public
IteratorFindQuadsMem IteratorFindQuadsMem (Resource $subject, Resource $predicate, Resource $object, dataset &$graphIterator, [Boolean $returnAsTriples = false])
current (line 198)

Returns the current item.

  • access: public
mixed current ()
key (line 212)

Returns the key of the current item.

  • access: public
integer key ()
next (line 162)

Moves Iterator to the next item in the list.

  • access: public
void next ()
rewind (line 138)

Resets iterator list to start.

  • access: public
void rewind ()
valid (line 152)

Says if there are additional items left in the list.

  • access: public
boolean valid ()

Documentation generated on Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:49:37 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.2